November 2005 Newsletter

I am back. Thanks to the efforts of David Matson who took copious notes and photographs of the day you had with Jimmy Clews and to Peter Branchett who gave me a more condensed write up of the day with Dave Reeks along with several photos I have something to put into this months newsletter. David's write up was not easy to edit so I have given you the full version as written by him and inserted it as a separate article. See October Newsletter.

Peter reported that Dave Reeks once again lived up to his reputation with a lively performance of jokes and work. His first piece was to turn a bud vase (to humour Peter Fuller?) and completed it in 20 minutes!! Next he cut three bowls from one blank using a McNorton tool. This kept him going until lunch time. In the afternoon he produced another three bowls using the "one step" method. His final piece was to turn a textured platter. When Dave judged the entries for the competition he commented on Tony's finish as being something better than he ever achieves himself. Praise indeed.

If seems I missed two really good meetings and the displays by members were exceptional with highly complimentary comments from both Jimmy Clews and Dave Reeks. Both, it seems, had a difficult task in deciding which entry should receive the winning certificate. The photographs that Dave and Peter took show this. The next meeting is on 5afurday 12th November and is free entry at the door to all members!! Yep, free. But you have got to work for it. Norman, Peter and Howard will entertain us for the day with various demonstrations but tucked in there somewhere is a speed turning competition!! I have heard bud vases hinted at but don't take my word for it, it could be bowls.

The fish and chip lunch was held on the 15th October and was attended by 22 people. Not a big turnout considering that some of this number were wives. However, I am told it was a fun day. (I was still on holiday). The knock out competition for the spinning top was held and was won by Pat Hughes whose top spun for a little over 5 minutes and Peter Blake was a very close second. They fight it out for top dog at the Christmas dinner party. And hey you two NEW tops for the final.

That's it for this month. Hopefully I will see you all at the next meeting.


PS. The next hands on meeting is on Friday 18th November. This is proving to be very popular and we will be holding these meetings in 2006 on the second Thursday of each month.

PPS. In the next newsletter I will give a full listing of the demonstrators we have arranged for 2006. I will also be including the membership renewal forms for 2006. Fees will remain at £12.50.
